Al-Dora refinery, Geographic Information System, Support Vector Machine, Remote SensingAbstract
The Al-Doura region is undergoing a deterioration in soil quality as a result of the ongoing expansion of residential areas. The expansion is leading to environmental degradation, affecting native plant life and the overall ecosystem. This study employed remote sensing techniques to analyze and comprehend land patterns in the Doura region throughout a defined timeframe, with particular emphasis on the influence of the Doura refinery. The research conducted from 2013 to 2023 was categorized into five distinct areas: urban, water, soil, streets, and plants. This categorization was achieved by utilizing remote sensing data and the ENVI tool. The classification was executed via the support vector machine classifier. The results demonstrate notable changes in the Doura, marked by a swift and substantial growth of the metropolitan region. The expansion has led to a significant reduction in green spaces, with the urban area comprising 21.21% in 2013, rising to 36.71% in 2018, and further increasing to 60.16% in 2023. The categorizations suggest a decrease in the availability of arable land, indicating the expansion of the residential area of Al-Doura. Urban development intensifies land surface temperatures and adds to air pollution. A sustainable approach is necessary to address the presence of the Al-Doura refinery, with a focus on achieving a balance between economic and environmental requirements.
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