Information For Authors
Article Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit original manuscripts by using the submission link ( Authors are advised to adhere strictly to the following guide while submitting their manuscripts.
Authors are required to adhere strictly to the following page restrictions:
- Original research manuscripts should not exceed 16 pages, typed in Times New Roman font 12, with 1.5 line spacing and an all-round margin of one inch. This includes references, figures and tables.
- Review papers can be allowed up to 20 pages or more (excluding references), typed in Times New Roman font 12, with 1.5 line spacing and an all-round margin of one inch.
- The abstract should not exceed 300 words and must have a statement of introduction, methodology, results and conclusion.
- All manuscripts must have line and page numbers.
- All figures must be of high printing quality.
- All equations must be written using Equation Editor.
- In-text, references should be cited by consecutive numbers in square brackets using the IEEE format, e.g., [1], not by names of authors and year of publication.
- Authors must check their manuscripts for plagiarism before submission. The Journal has zero tolerance for plagiarism.
Manuscripts that do not strictly adhere to these requirements will be returned to the author(s).
Authors must check their manuscripts for plagiarism before submission. The Journal has zero tolerance for plagiarism. Papers can be submitted at any time by uploading them to To be able to submit a paper, the author must register (free) on our website. All links for registration and paper submission are available on the homepage.
Peer Review Process
All articles published in NIJOTECH must undergo peer review. Peer review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers. Papers submitted to NIJOTECH are usually sent out for review after initial editorial screening. Articles will be subjected to and must pass a plagiarism check before they can be sent out for peer review.
NIJOTECH uses a double-blind review system in which the author and reviewer do not know each other. This ensures that there is no conflict of interest, high confidentiality and objective reviewing of articles for qualitative publications. Review takes approximately 8 weeks from the date of receipt of the paper. Papers submitted to NIJOTECH are usually sent out for review after initial editorial screening. Articles will be subjected to and must pass a plagiarism check before they can be sent out for peer review.
A key policy is that articles submitted to NIJOTECH should not have been nor will be submitted to any other journal or conference while still under review or after being accepted for publication.
The corresponding author will be notified of acceptance/rejection of paper, this includes payment of processing charges. Copy-editing of the submitted manuscript starts immediately after the article processing charge (APC) is paid. The corresponding author will be informed on completion (via email address submitted) to proofread the copy-edited manuscript, identify and correct errors (if any). Usually, the corresponding author will receive an email notification from our manuscript management system that copyediting is complete. All corrections are made once only and returned within one week, otherwise the paper publication will be delayed. Upon online publication, all authors registered on our website will be notified by e-mail immediately. A PDF of the paper with complete citation details can be downloaded by all authors from the journal website. Hardcopies are only issued on demand at the expense of the other party. NIJOTECH Issues are published quarterly in a year in March, June, September and December. Average time between submission and publication is currently 3 months.
With effect from September 01, 2022, all manuscripts submitted shall be subject to a flat article processing charge of eighty thousand Naira (#80,000) for local authors or two hundred USD ($200) only for any paper with a foreign affiliation, payable upon acceptance. This amounts to a drastic reduction of the variable page charges that authors were charged in the past. The journal will no longer mass-produce hard copies of the journal except upon the author's request. Such requests will therefore attract printing and postage service charges that will be communicated to the author via email. Upon acceptance, authors are to make their payments to NIJOTECH's bank account with details below:
Bank: Access (Diamond) Bank PLC,
Account Number: 0019429431
Account Number: 6060374678
Manuscript Withdrawal
Once the peer review process begins, you will no longer be able to withdraw your manuscript unless the process lingers for over six months. If you decide to withdraw your manuscript during peer review, then you will pay the Journal a processing charge of ten thousand Naira (N10, 000.00) only and then serve us a withdrawal notice. If you decide to withdraw your paper after peer review, you will pay the journal a processing charge of twenty thousand Naira (N20, 000.00). All requests for manuscript withdrawal must be in the form of an official letter of withdrawal signed by all authors and sent as an attachment to the Editor in Chief.
Copyright Statement
The contents of the articles are the sole opinion of the author(s) and not of NIJOTECH. NIJOTECH is OPEN ACCESS, implying that all contents become available immediately after publication for ease of dissemination. Dissemination of articles has to be in whole, not in parts. A key policy is that articles submitted to NIJOTECH should not have been nor will be submitted to any other journal or conference while still under review or after being accepted for publication. A copyright and statement of originality documents should be filled, signed and submitted prior to the publication of an accepted article.
For articles that were developed from funded research, a clear acknowledgement of such support should be mentioned in the article with relevant references. Authors are expected to provide complete information on the sponsorship and intellectual property rights of the article together with all exceptions.
Journal Licensing
All articles on the Nijotech website are copyright materials. We adopt the Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) as described below:
1. Articles may be read, printed or downloaded.
2. Articles may be redistributed, republished in whole without omitting any detail (not in part) e.g. in a display or repository
3. Articles may be translated for private use only and not for distribution. Any translations, for which a prior translation agreement with NIJOTECH has not been established, must prominently display the statement: "This is an unofficial translation of an article that appeared in a NIJOTECH publication. NIJOTECH has not endorsed this translation."
4. Article may be downloaded for text and data mining purposes so long as the use is non-commercial.
5. Portions or extract from the article may be used in other works so long as proper citations including article authors, article title, volume, issue, page number and DOIs are well cited in the references.
6. Articles may not be resold for commercial purposes.
NIJOTECH Archiving Policy
NIJOTECH supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for journal content.