Peer Review Policy

NIJOTECH adopts a constructive review model. All manuscripts submitted to NIJOTECH are first screened for conformity to the authors' guide before further processing, otherwise it is returned to the corresponding author for proper formatting and adjustment. If a manuscript is found to conform to the authors' guide, it is then subjected to plagiarism check before being assigned to reviewers. The Editorial Team considers the opinions of the reviewers as a critical factor in deciding whether an article will be accepted or not. Editors will accept a manuscript subject to corrections recommended by reviewers if two out of three positive reviews are received or if only two positive reviews are received. However, a paper may not be accepted if one reviewer expresses a very strong but valid reservation, even if the other two favour the publication of the manuscript. After peer review, a paper is either provisionally accepted subject to corrections or rejected. Reviewers' comments are sent to the corresponding author to enable authors revise their manuscript as suggested by the reviewers. A manuscript could be rejected if the authors do not provide satisfactory responses/rebuttals to reviewers' comments.

NIJOTECH uses a double-blind review system in which the author and reviewer do not know each other. This ensures that there is no conflict of interest, high confidentiality and objectivity in reviewing of articles for qualitative publications. Review takes approximately 3 months from date of receipt of paper.