
  • J. Garba College of Computing, Informatics, and Media, Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia
  • J. Kaur College of Computing, Informatics, and Media, Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia.
  • E. Nuraihan Mior Ibrahim College of Computing, Informatics, and Media, Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia.



Cybercrime awareness, Online banking, Nigeria, Cybersecurity, Online banking users


This study aimed to investigate the awareness of cybercrime among online banking users in Nigeria and provide quantitative data on various aspects related to cybersecurity awareness. A comprehensive survey was conducted among 283 online banking users in Nigeria to gather data. The data were analyzed to identify trends and patterns in cybersecurity awareness among Nigerian online banking users. The study revealed that 82.0% of the respondents were aware of cybercrime, indicating a high level of awareness among Nigerian online banking users. Social media (37.5%) and friends (16.0%) were identified as the primary sources of knowledge about cybercrime. The majority of respondents employed multi-factor authentication methods, such as login + password + biometric, to secure their online banking accounts. However, there was room for improvement in password preferences, as some respondents still used simple passwords. The most used features of online banking were transferring money between accounts (42.4%), checking account balances (26.5%), and paying bills (11.0%). This study contributes new insights to the existing body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive analysis of cybersecurity awareness among Nigerian online banking users. It emphasizes the evolving landscape of cybercrime awareness, the influence of digital platforms in disseminating information, and the importance of targeted awareness campaigns and improved security measures.


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Computer, Telecommunications, Software, Electrical & Electronics Engineering

How to Cite

AWARENESS OF CYBERCRIME AMONG ONLINE BANKING USERS IN NIGERIA. (2023). Nigerian Journal of Technology, 42(3), 406-413.