
  • A. B. Salahudeen Department of Civil Engineering, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria
  • G. L. Yisa Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute, Abuja, Nigeria



Geotechnical Engineering, Numerical modelling, Foundation Settlement, Slope stability, Seepage, Plaxis, GeoStudio


The encountered situations during the design process of a gully erosion control site in Kano State are discussed in this article. The project was to design a rectangular concrete lined drainage channel with short side walls to efficiently convey flood water and prevent embankment erosion. Because of the embankment depth and soil type on the site which are mostly silty/clayey sand, settlement of the huge concrete channel, seepage and the unprotected embankment slope were issues of major concern. Settlement, slope stability and seepage analyses and designs were some of the several activities undertaken for the project. The anticipated total settlement prediction was performed by numerical simulation from which the differential settlement was then calculated. The prediction of the safety factor to determine the stability of the slope was performed by numerical simulation using SLOPE/W. The hydraulic velocity and rate of seepage prediction was performed by numerical modelling using SEEP/W. The use of numerical technique was specifically recommended by the consultants of the funder of the project, the World Bank. It was observed that numerical modelling technique provided accurate results of settlement, factor of safety, hydraulic velocity and rate of seepage and was therefore recommended for both research and practical applications.


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