A new Editorial Team for Nigerian Journal of Technology has been appointed with effect from June 08, 2022. Engr. Prof. Chidozie Charles Nnaji of Civil Engineering Department was confirmed as the Editor-in-Chief, while Prof. Ozoemena Anthony Ani was also appointed the Editor of the journal with immediate effect. They have since taken over the management of the Journal from the immediate past Editor-in-Chief (Engr. Prof. E. S. Obe) and Editor (Engr. Samson Ugwu). Prof. Obe served as the Editor of NIJOTECH from 2011 to 2018 after which he was appointed Editor-in-Chief until 2022. During this period, he created and managed the journal website and also got all the previous issues (since 1975) published online. His landmark achievements will remain a reference point.
The new Editorial Team has since commenced work in earnest and is intent on sustaining the tempo and even propelling the Journal to the next level. The over-arching goal is to consolidate the progress made so far and to make NIJOTECH the preferred choice of engineering and technology researchers in Africa and beyond. According to the statistics provided by AJOL®, NIJOTECH has published about eighty (80) issues consisting of one thousand six hundred and forty-three (1,643) articles between 1975 and 2022. So much progress has been made so far and the Journal is gradually inching closer to getting indexed in the Web of Science.
The new Editorial Team has already started putting measures in place to improve further on the quality and visibility of the journal with the intent of getting it indexed in global scholarly databases. Starting from the July 2022 Issue, the article review history of every paper is indicated on the first page of every article. We are also looking to enriching the Editorial Board with reputable scholars from other parts of the world who will play critical roles in the Journal. Submission/review fees are no longer required and article processing fee has been significantly reduced to a flat conservative rate per accepted article. This also implies that hard copies of published journals will only be issued to authors on demand at an additional minimal printing and postage fee. Authors will therefore be required to indicate if they want hard copies before printing. Additionally, in a bid to appreciate and motivate our reviewers, we have created a bonus system to enable committed reviewers to publish their papers with us at a discounted rate. Reviewers who successfully complete consecutive five articles reviews within the stipulated review window will be entitled to a 20% APC rebate on their next article if their reviews get an average rating of 4.0/5.0 by the Editors.
NIJOTECH has come to stay and we promise to provide excellent services to our numerous authors and readers. We expect very good days ahead for our beloved journal.
Engr. Prof. Chidozie C. Nnaji